black and white bed linen

Meningkatkan Kesuksesan Bisnis

Selamat datang di PT. Esa Gemilang Sakti, mitra outsourcing terpercaya Anda untuk solusi sumber daya manusia dan operasional yang komprehensif.

Bagaimana Kami memulai

a logo for a business that is a symbol of a bird
a logo for a business that is a symbol of a bird

PT. Esa Gemilang Sakti adalah perusahaan yang khusus menyediakan layanan tenaga kerja outsource, termasuk pramusaji, sopir, office boy dan office girl, staf front office, event organizer, dan dukungan operasional harian.

Didirikan pada 9 September 2015, PT. Esa Gemilang telah berhasil menghubungkan perusahaan mitra dengan pencari kerja yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi mereka. Perusahaan kami selalu berusaha memberikan layanan terbaik dan berkontribusi pada kelancaran bisnis pelanggan kami.

Our Vission And Mission

Our vision is to become a company that keep create new innovations, ideas, and the right solutions, while maintaining professionalism in every service we provide to our customers/users.

two men in suits and ties are pointing at a map of a map of the
two men in suits and ties are pointing at a map of a map of the
two men in suits and ties are pointing at a map of a map of the
two men in suits and ties are pointing at a map of a map of the
a blank paper clipboard with a clipping board
a blank paper clipboard with a clipping board
a blank paper clipboard with a clipping board
a blank paper clipboard with a clipping board

Work effectively

Be decisive in every step, and always synergize in building networks with our customers/users to achieve the desired goals

Commitment to Labor Regulations

We remain consistent with labor regulations by enhancing the skills of our workforce and advancing the careers of our members towards professionalism.

Provide Excellent Service

We provide the best service to our customers/users with the capabilities our company possesses.

3 Main Mission of Our Company




Lisensi dan Sertifikasi kami

Dengan bermitra dengan PT. Esa Gemilang Sakti untuk Outsourcing Tenaga Kerja, kamu bisa memperlancar operasi HR, menghemat biaya, dan fokus pada inisiatif strategis untuk mendorong pertumbuhan bisnis.

a bunch of different logos on a black background
a bunch of different logos on a black background
a golden eagle with a laurel and laurels
a golden eagle with a laurel and laurels